CRU Small Groups are small groups of people in your "community" If you are in Band, and you actually like those in Band with you, you would be in a Band Small Group with the Mission of seeing SHINE take place throughout the semester.


in Cru Small Groups these are the things we want to talk about and be about (SHINE)

Cru Small Group CURRICULUM

2 tiers of small groups/ upperclassman and lowerclassman upperclassmen going to LGI room?

Small Group Curriculum

Elements of a small group structure

  1. Icebreakers
  2. 3 questions
    1. questions are seeker friendly/ as if there is no knowledge of the Bible before hand.
    2. questions seek to get people to open up about their experiences with faith, life and people
  3. prayer time


Opportunities to talk about specific felt needs. Also ways to train up new potential leaders

Workshop Topic Ideas

Either once a month on a different day/ night or Monday night once every 2-3 months

(These will be recorded and be around for training purposes in the future)


Times of Prayer and Worship together

Paint the Picture (is this something you would want to own?)